Maria Fuchs is a musicologist and lecturer, currently working as a postdoctoral scholar in the field of music and media culture at the International Research Center for Cultural Studies / University of Art and Design Linz.


Guest lecture

"Scoring 'Heimat' in 'African Films'. Colonial Fantasies and Acoustic Cultural Heritage".

Vortrag im Rahmen der mdw-Gender Studies Ringvorlesung "Performing Challenges"

Mai 2024
Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien

MDW Ringvorlesung


"Filmmusik und koloniales Erbe".

Gastvortrag am Zentrum für Genderforschung und Diversität der Kunstuniversität Graz

Jänner 2024
Kunstuniversität Graz

kug Graz


"Luis Trenkers transalpines Kino + die Rolle von Musik in der Genrification des Bergfilms".

Vortrag im Rahmen des DFG Workshops "Selfmademan und Medienmarke: Luis Trenkers Strategien der Selbstinszenierung

Dezember 2023
Universität Heidelberg

DFG Luis Trenker

This project aims to contribute to the clarification of the concept of 'home' by showing how it is created in relation to media and pop music
and how it influences a sense of collective identity and social belonging. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the medium of film has proved to be an essential constructive element of 'home' in the German-speaking world. In the research literature on 'homeland' films and mountain films of Austrian/German film production, the important role of music in these films has so far been given little attention.

Theorie und Praxis im "Allgemeinen Handbuch der Film-Musik (1927)"

Schüren: Marburg 2016
(= Marburger Schriften zur Medienforschung 68)



This book examines the musical performance practice of silent film in Germany in the 1920s and sheds light on the early attempts at a theory and aesthetics of film music. The starting point for the study is the "Allgemeine Handbuch der Film-Musik" from 1927. Thereby, the genesis of film music conventions will be explored as well as the intermedial relationship between silent film music and music-aesthetic traditions.

"Maria Fuchs taucht in ihrem Buch 'Stummfilmmusik' tief in die musikalische Praxis der 1920er Jahre ein. Sie analysiert, wie Musik zur Illustration von Filmen benutzt wurde."

(Stefan Keim, WDR 3 Magazin Tonart, 21.9.2017)

"In her book 'Silent Film Music' Maria Fuchs delves deeply into the musical practice of the 1920s. She analyses how music was used to illustrate films."

(Stefan Keim, WDR 3 Magazin Tonart, 21.9.2017)

"Für die Beschäftigung mit Stummfilmmusik ist das Buch unabdingbar."

(Hans Helmut Prinzler, 13. Oktober 2017)

"For the study of silent film music, the book is essential."

(Hans Helmut Prinzler, 13. Oktober 2017)

Maria Fuchs